Archive: Record is truly Plastic, court rules
The voice you hear on 1977's smash-hit Ça plane pour moi is indeed that of Plastic Bertrand, a Brussels court has ruled. The court was giving judgement in a case brought by Lou De Prijck (careful with the spelling) who wrote and produced the hit, but wanted to be recognised as the performing artist as well.
De Prijck offered no evidence in support of his claim, reports said. Bertrand, on the other hand, had a signed contract and his name on the record-label.
Plastic Bertrand's career failed to live up to the promise of his early hit, and reached a nadir when he sang for Luxembourg in the Eurovision Song Contest in 1987 and took second-last place with four points, quatre points. Turkey was last with nul points, no points. To make matters worse, the Final was held right here in Brussels.
Things have picked up since, however, as he appeared to great acclaim on a Belgian TV show on Idol lines. He also helps coach young talent, and takes part in Scrabble tournaments at international level.
De Prijck later went on to lasting worldwide fame as the lead singer of Lou & The Hollywood Bananas (pix here to refresh your memory). The judge fined him €10,000 for what he described as a "groundless and vexatious" suit.

Plastic Bertrand looking a bit of a twat yesterday
ca plane pour lui, est ca plane bien! plastic rules!
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The Court in 2006 did not rule that the voice on the original version of "Ca plane pour moi" was the voice of Plastic Bertrand. The Court just stated that IN THAT CASE Lou Deprijck (the notorious real singer) did not prove that he was the performer. It's very different. In 2007 another Court ruled that Deprijck can claim to be the performer. In 2010 Lou Deprijck proved that he was the real singer with testimonies, expert and revelations of Plastic Bertrand himself in interviews.
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