Sunday, December 3

Quod erat remonstrandum

A Ghent judge has been told off by the Cassation Court, the highest in
Belgium, for using a little-known Latin phrase in his judgement. The
case was brought by two criminals who were being sentenced by the
judge when in his remarks he used the phrase "quod non" -- which means
"which is not the case". In a desperate attempt to have the judgement
overturned they appealed to the Cassation Court. The bench rejected
the appeal to overthrow the verdict, but remonstrated with the judge
for using a phrase "which does not belong to the vocabulary of the
Dutch language, and will not be understood by everyone".

Elsewhere in Flanders, police arrested 44-year-old Steven Chance, real
name, Bruce Peck, on charges of theft as he was leaving an Ostend
theatre after making an appearance in a show -- as an escape artist.
He was sentenced to one year, and seems to be still inside for the
time being.

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