Sunday, December 3

No place like gnome

A Bruges man has started a petition to protest at the sale of "gnome
paté" in health-food shops in Belgium. Johan Deprez described the
foodstuff as "disgraceful" and called for sales to be banned. A
petition on his website has already gathered 23 signatures.

Meanwhile a spokesperson for the manufacturer Food and Freedom
defended the product, pointing out that it contains only
meat-substitutes and mushrooms. "There are no puréed gnomes in our
pots," said commercial director Edith Gones. "It might have been more
accurate to call it Gnome-House Paté," she admitted.


Ole Blue The Heretic said...

Maybe they should try to get the traveling gnomes reaction.

SinisterBaby said...

SG, there's an ugly rumour goin' round that your inner gnome escaped, became externalized and began breeding. The part about the progeny being sighted on Easter Island is almost certainly apocryphal.
