Wednesday, January 23

Call of the wild

A paramedic who is used to saving the lives of others found himself having to eat rotting beaver meat and fend off snarling animals to ensure his survival while trapped for 96 hours in Alberta bush country.

Trapped paramedic survives 4 days on dirt, rotting beaver

MCN says: This is in the running for the eeewwwest story of this or any other week. Do be sure to follow the link for all the nauseating details -- including recipes!

Another teaser quote:

As a paramedic, he knew people start losing heat quickly from their upper body, so he took a beaver carcass and set it by his groin to help keep his body warm. He used another beaver as a bit of a windbreak and part of its skin as a makeshift pillow.

Make up your own jokes.

ETA: Reuters picked up the story but decided to avoid the cheap-joke zone altogether with this lead:
A Canadian man survived 96 hours pinned under his all-terrain vehicle in the Rocky Mountains by eating rotting animal carcasses, drinking melted snow and thinking of his grandchildren, he said on Monday.
So no beavers at all, and certainly none in the groinal area. And where did those grandchildren come from all of a sudden?

I think we should be told.

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