Thursday, October 5

horned and horny

Marquette, MI -- Most college campuses have horny young males wandering around, lustfully searching for nubile females ripe for the picking. But at Northern Michigan University, a recent episode involved a horny male that weighed between 500 and 600 pounds (227 to 273 kg).

According to the Associated Press, a young bull moose wandered onto the Northern Michigan University campus on September 19, and broke a window at the Magers Hall dormitory. Marquette police were alerted about the massive horned intruder and chased it away.

Dean Beyer, a wildlife biologist stationed in Marquette, said this kind of incident is not at all unusual. "We're in the middle of the (mating) rut right about now. Moose, especially a young bull moose, will move long distances ... They're more aggressive this time of year."

A student who lived in the dormitory said one of her roommates had been exchanging instant messages with the moose for several months. "She'd stay on her computer for hours every night IMing with him," the student told the Milwaukee Journal, speaking on condition of anonymity. "Sometimes I'd look over her shoulder and see that their IMs sounded pretty sexy. So she deserves as much blame as the moose does. After all, he's only a year old and she's old enough to know better."


Sour Grapes said...

I hate those mooses to pooses.

Deadman said...

So the moosy never got any poosy?

Anonymous said...

No, but he got Foley's e-mail address.